A data centre is a building or space used to house computer systems and associated components such as servers. Data centres are used for the purpose of collecting, storing, processing, distributing and allowing access to large amounts of data. Just about every business and government entity either needs its own data centre or access to one. Data centres provide important services such as data storage, backup and recovery, data management and networking. ChinookX sees the potential for small-scale data centres to utilize artificial intelligence to operate SMARTgrid circuitry. SMARTgrids are computer stacks with automated switches that create real-time supply and demand of energy within a region, enabling more intelligent energy use and production.
For Blockchains & Cultural Padlocks, ChinookX facilitated a stakeholder design workshop in early 2020 bringing together a broad coalition of students, designers, artists, planners, urbanists and developers around questions of prototyping for a blockchain community and reciprocity currency platform. Seeking ways for the blockchain to be designed with Indigenous consensus protocols, ChinookX’s work contributes to BACP research development a perspective anchored in data sovereignty for First Nations communities and responsive resource management for traditional territories.
Blockchains & Cultural Padlocks
A four-year digital strategy initiative by 221A that drives research and engages civil society with the challenge of developing a digitally cooperative culture through the advancement of blockchain technologies across cultural, educational and non-profit sectors. The values-led Blockchains & Cultural Padlocks digital strategy works towards recommoning land, data and objects.