221A is collaborating with the Yee Fung Toy Society to develop a community-based cultural hub in Chinatown. It will include low-income housing for seniors and artists, and features specialized production and presentation spaces. Our goals are to secure affordable space, foster intergenerational exchange and create a long-term partnership model for community-owned assets.

The core of intergenerational partnerships is about sharing time, skills, experiences, and building meaningful relationships. The partnership between 221A and century-old Yee Fung Toy Society not only benefits each of our organizations, the resulting mixed-use building will one that brings together greater intergenerational interactions among residents, occupants, and visitors—benefiting the wider Chinatown community. The success of this intergenerational partnership will set a significant precedent that will shape future Chinatown’s revitalization efforts for years to come.
- Yee Fung Toy Society maintains ownership of the property and continue to provide cultural space to support its activities and affordable housing for Chinese seniors.
- 221A secures and increases the square footage of long-term affordable cultural spaces for production and presentation in Chinatown.
- Chinatown cultural heritage district is further strengthened through the rehabilitated heritage building and the expansion of cultural and social programming that the building supports.