The Node Library

The Node Library


2023 - ongoing

Web3, or the decentralized internet, is a mass coordination technology: users working together in the service of a common goal—cultural collectives, worker unions, property cooperatives, charitable organizations, mutual aid and advocacy groups. Advancing 221A's digital strategy into a new cultural infrastructure, a new entity for artists and the public sector to access tools and resources needed to onramp onto this next era of the internet.

The Node Library is a learning centre being built to host network nodes from a select range of nodes from Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN). The Library’s programs will create opportunities for artists and publics to access technology, digital tokens, community grants and educational initiatives. Driving the project are a community of artists, designers, curators, educators, and developers who use infrastructure design to re-common the internet. By operating these nodes, the Library provides pathways to on-chain research, use-case development and data curating. The Library also collects digital assets. In the future, the collection will offer a token-lending program, as well as create onramps for permanent storage and conservation services for web3 cultural work.

Stay tuned for how to become an early member of the Node Library. This Winter we will be releasing an open-edition membership digital token that will be free to mint, allowing holders to gain access to the discussion and decision making during the piloting phase of the Node Library (2024-25). A series of writing, conversations and artwork editions will launch the knowledge commons of the Library, serving as a space of inspiration for the membership who are building the Library with 221A.

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Project Support

Blockchain@UBCCanada Council for the Arts