If so, we invite you to complete an anonymous 5-10 minute survey about your current digital storage needs, practices and perceptions of storage solutions involving new technologies.
Your insights will help prototype a distributed storage system developed by 221A’s The Node Library and Hypha Worker Co-operative dedicated to arts and cultural heritage workers who are looking to preserve digital assets in the long term.
Please complete the survey by August 5, 2024.
Questions? Please read through the FAQ below and contact Reiko at rpleau@student.ubc.ca for more info.
What is digital storage?
Digital storage involves using electronic devices and methods to save information in a digital format.
Digital storage allows arts and cultural heritage workers to store and manage assets like digital art, digitized art, audiovisual digital media, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) experiences, web-based media, Web3 assets, and more. Digital storage is meant to ensure that valuable information and works are preserved and can be accessed when needed.
What are digital storage systems?
A digital storage system is technology used to save and retrieve digital data, such as files, documents, and multimedia, allowing users to store, manage, and access their data electronically.
Digital storage systems encompass various hardware and software solutions such as hard disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), tape drives, cloud storage platforms, and network-attached storage (NAS) devices. Additionally, decentralized and distributed storage systems store data across multiple devices rather than in a single centralized location.
Digital storage systems are just one of many supplementary information technology (IT) systems that arts and cultural workers use to manage their digital assets. Other systems can include tools related to the creation, organization, compression, preservation, display and output of digital assets in their collections, and these systems often work together or are incorporated into digital storage systems.
What is the difference between centralized, decentralized, and distributed storage systems?
Centralized storage keeps all data in one place, which is simple to manage but risky if that location fails.
Decentralized storage spreads data across many places without a central control, which makes it stronger but harder to handle.
Distributed systems mix central control with data spread out, often used in cloud storage for balanced security and reliability.
Systems that are both decentralized and distributed store data across multiple places with no central authority. In these hybrid systems, data is managed collectively across various locations, enhancing security, resilience, and redundancy, as data is not reliant on a single point of control or failure.