
1654 Franklin: 1654-D

Rental info

Building info

  • 26 studio units over three floors
  • 12-month sublease term
  • 24-hour access
  • Fibre Internet Wifi
  • Artist community (approx 70+ occupants)
  • Operated by non-profit cultural space provider
  • Common areas:
    • Loading bays
    • Kitchen
    • Bathroom x 6
    • Utility Sink
    • Shared Parking x 8



Building Location: 1654 Franklin

Eligibility for Studios

Individuals must: 

  • self-identify as an Artist;
  • be the age of majority;
  • be living in BC; 
  • intend on using the premises in a manner that is compatible with facility purposes and capacity

Small cultural nonprofits or businesses must:

  • operate a genuine arts and cultural non-profit organization or small cultural business in BC; and
  • intend on using the premises in a manner that is compatible with facility purposes and capacity

Studio FAQ

How does 221A define who is an Artist?

How does 221A define who is a non-profit cultural organization?

How are tenants selected?

Do I get to choose which unit I want?

What if I would like a lease that is longer than 1 year?

How are the rental rates set?

How is rent collected?

What happens if a tenant is unable to pay their rent?

Am I allowed to make alterations to my unit?

Am I allowed to sublet my unit?

Who owns 221A?

How are decisions made about the building?

Does 221A make profit from the building?

Other vacancies

1654 Franklin 1654-EF

1654 Franklin Unit 12

1654 Franklin Unit 20