Kyoko Matsunaga is an associate professor at Kobe City University of Foreign Studies in Japan and a former Fulbright fellow at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She specializes in American Indigenous literature, nuclear/atomic literature and environmental literature. Her essays have appeared in such books and journals as Ecocriticism in Japan (Lexington Books, 2017), Sovereignty, Separatism, and Survivance: Ideological Encounters in the Literature of Native North America (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009), and Southwestern American Literature. Currently, as a Visiting Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia, she is completing a manuscript for a book project entitled Beyond Nuclear Apocalypse and Native Survivance: Nuclear Representations in American Indigenous Literature (nyuukuria apokaripusu e no chousen: hokubei senjuumin sakka to kaku no naratibu).
Kyoko Matsunaga
Last updated: December 24, 2024