Gabi Dao addresses the structures that influence biography, history, and memory. Incorporating sculpture, installation, sound, writing, and podcasting, she questions popular narratives of global cultural industries such as tourism, Hollywood, music, museums and retail within the formation of subjective experiences. Dao is a co-organizer of exhibitions, readings, musical performances and other happenings at Avenue (2013-2015) and Duplex studios (2015-present). She has participated in projects and exhibitions at Unit 17, Nanaimo Art Gallery, Western Front, Artspeak, The National Music Centre, 221A, and Spare Room.
Gabi Dao
Last updated: December 13, 2024

Woodward’s Amateur Historical Society Archives
Start year: 2017
Woodward’s Amateur Historical Society Archives collects the work of W.W.A.S., a provisional research collective assembled by Josh Gabert-Doyon…

No Monologue
January 17 – March 14, 2015
If you help me make a decision, that is a collaboration. Long tables can be located in the politics of congregation by looking at one occasion when…

W.W.A.S. at the Vancouver Tenants Union Convention
November 26, 2017
W.W.A.S. will be presenting a mid-term report of its research at the Vancouver Tenants Union Convention on November 26, 12 – 2:30 PM. The…

February 28, 2018
A community dialogue on artwashing — the co-option of art workers and institutions by real estate in Vancouver Unravelling this complex and uneven…

Josh Gabert-Doyon
August 2017 – January 2018
Josh Gabert-Doyon is a writer, photographer, and documentary radio producer. His fellowship assembles a provisional research…