Daniel Roehr teaches Landscape Architecture at the University of British Columbai's School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture and is a licensed landscape architect in BC and Berlin. Since 2007, he runs the research group greenskinslab. His research focuses on the integration of living roofs as part of holistic systems for storm water management. Daniel coauthored the book Living Roofs in Integrated Urban Water Systems, Routledge 2015 and regularly publishes in scientific journals and professional magazines. He is working on his new book Seeing Environment: Interacting with the Landscape - A Guide for Designers, Routledge exp. 2021, and recently developed a Low Impact Development (LID) application with his research team to calculate stormwater run-off in the initial urban design and planning phase. He also runs a hand drawing blog and Instagram account which archives 30 years of his architectural hand drawings to inspire students to continue to use hand drawing as a design and research tool additional to current digital modelling applications. From 2013 to 2014, he was a UBC Sustainability Research Fellow and was selected as a team member to compete designing the Canadian National Holocaust Memorial in Ottawa and in 2016 he received the Killam Teaching Prize from UBC. Daniel has practiced extensively in Europe, North America, and Asia. From 1995 to 2000, he was project architect of the award-winning Daimler-Chrysler Green Roof Project, Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, Germany and ran his own firm in Berlin from 1999 to 2007, and co-founded a firm in Shanghai in 2004.
Daniel Roehr
Last updated: December 6, 2024