New Models


Part aggregator, part independent journal, New Models looks to Web 1.0 for inspiration, bringing a human-directed selection of information and opinion (including scholarly research, mass media, and social media threads) to a single, common, context rich page. Founded in Berlin in May 2018, New Models also produces a podcast and other proprietary content, aggregating all via, our central node and a portal to the world we aim to reflect. New Models spans art, politics, tech, pop culture, as well as insights and analysis regarding emergent tech and online ecosystems. New Models believes that cultural debate needs context — and people with a personal stake in that debate to define it. In pursuit of this, we solicit input and feedback from our users—i.e., you—and others in the creative/ academic/ media/tech community we come from and likewise intend to reach. We aim to intelligently centralize the information in this circuit, aggregating it outside the individuating channels of social media and their algorithmically determined streams. New Models was co-founded by Caroline Busta, Daniel Keller and @Lilinternet

Last updated: May 5, 2024