Laura Kozak is a designer, educator, and organizer. For fifteen years, she has built partnerships and collaborated on projects with artists and organizations including Access Gallery, 221A, the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design, the Aboriginal Housing Society, the Vancouver Park Board, and the City of Vancouver. Recent publications include "Open Source City" (in Now Urbanism: the Future City is Here, Routlege, 2014), Infinite Mappings, with Rebecca Bayer (Access, 2015) and Design for Startups, with Kate Armstrong and Haig Armen (Living Labs, 2016). In 2014 she was a lead organizer of Culture and Community: Social Practice and the City with the City of Vancouver and Vancouver Park Board, and has curated numerous exhibitions and educational institutes, including Some Powers of Ten (221A, 2010), Design in the Field (2011) and Design Every Day (2012). A core interest in cartography and collaborative design of the urban environment informs her research and teaching practice. She holds a Master of Advanced Studies in Architecture from UBC (2012) and a BFA from Emily Carr (2005), and currently teaches in the Master of Design program at Emily Carr.