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The Invisible Neighbors (2015–present day)

Lee Chun Fung@Woofer Ten + Michael Leung@Very MK
Within an East Asian art/activist network, we hope to examine and map urban problems in different local contexts, under the threat from neoliberalism and how artists respond to them. In this project, artists from Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Taiwan, respond to particular websites that relate to urban development issues they are facing.

高俊宏 Kao Jun-Honn
Title: 蚊子館江山萬里圖 Government Empty Museum Landscape Mapping
Cover on: 臺北市都市更新處 Taipei City Urban Regeneration Office, Taiwan

楊兩興 Yeoh Lian Heng
Title: Moving great Wall
Cover on: MRT, Malaysia

李俊峰 Lee Chun Fung
Title: Wooferhui coupons
Cover on: PARKnSHOP, Hong Kong

梁志剛 Michael Leung
Title: 好旺角 Very MK
Cover on: Urban Renewal Authority, Hong Kong

展銷場 Display Distribute
Title: 三號風球 Typhoon 3
Cover on: Wing Tat Surplus Cargo Dispatch, Hong Kong