black and white line drawing of a stolon

Christina Battle: Stolon Mesh Network


2022 - 2024

Stolon Mesh is a community mesh network seeded by 221A that offers free wifi to users in Vancouver’s DTES & Chinatown, and beyond. Developed by artist and 221A Fellow Christina Battle in collaboration with a team of researchers, community liaisons, and technologists, Stolon Mesh is a growing network infrastructure with the aim of creating a local-first digital commons that will remain just, caring, and responsible to others.

Inspired by the plant systems of the x̱aw̓s shew̓áy̓ New Growth 新生林 garden, Stolon Mesh is a prototype for a wireless mesh network originating in Vancouver’s DTES & Chinatown. Developed by artist Christina Battle in collaboration with a team of researchers, community liaisons, and technologists, Stolon Mesh is a growing network infrastructure with the aim of creating a local-first digital commons that will remain just, caring, and responsible to others. 

As a prototype, Stolon Mesh consists of three initial nodes across a network of community gardens:

  • 271 Union St.x̱aw̓s shew̓áy̓ New Growth 新生林 garden
  • 265 East 4th Ave. – coFood Collaborative Garden
  • 117 East Hastings St. – Healing Garden

A living Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Manifesto have been established to help guide and shape responsible and careful use of the network. As well, an online resource, Reflections on Stolon Mesh (a How-to Guide), has been produced which documents the ideas, observations and lessons learned across the project’s development, and offers practical strategies to other communities looking to build similar mesh infrastructures. 

“With this first phase complete, my hope is that the mesh can begin to flourish and take shape as the community feels is right, and that, once folks become aware of its potential and its utility, we have put an infrastructure in place for the network to continue to develop and thrive from. Another hope is that, in a potential future crisis, community might remain connected through the Stolon Mesh and their ability to organize and collaborate might be supported and made easier through the mesh network.”

Christina Battle

Connect to Stolon Mesh

Visit the gardens (x̱aw̓s shew̓áy̓ New Growth 新生林, coFood Collaborative Garden, or Healing Garden) and log on:

Wifi: stolonmesh
Password: newgrowth

While this network uses standard protected access, users should remain vigilant about their own security when using this and any network. For more information, and to read the network’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, please visit


Special thanks to collaborators Coworking BC, Cascadia Collaborative Design and DWeb YVR. Stolon Mesh has also benefited from conversations with peers from Toronto Mesh, Seattle Community Network, Newport Wireless Mesh, Coolab Brazil, Philly Community Wireless, Personal Telco Project, Bring The Web, Mass Mesh, COW Mesh, and The Association for Progressive Communications.

Publication: Imagining new systems of exchange

Stolon Mesh builds upon the research phase of Christina Battle’s fellowship (2020-22), which culminated in the publication below. Imagining new systems of exchange convenes a chorus of collaborators to probe new models and alternative systems of exchange, ones that are more caring and more just to both human and non-human relations, and asks how we might spread these ideas outward into the public sphere as a way of contributing to their collective visualization.

Get in Touch

Are you a community garden or community hub interested in hosting your own Stolon Mesh node? Do you live or work in the vicinity of the existing nodes and are interested in meshing (accessing and participating in the network)?


Project Support

BC Arts CouncilCanada Council for the ArtsCity of VancouverVancouver Foundation