Mime Radio is a novel that was written orally by Benjamin Seror at a series of events in several cities across Europe and the Americas over the past two years. The story revolves around a cast of eccentric characters, who meet at the Tiki Coco, a bar in Los Angeles that holds “Challenging Reality Open Mic” nights for amateur inventors and performers. Eventually, the protagonists get caught up in trying to help Marsyas, a character from ancient Greek mythology, who lost his voice after being defeated in a music contest against the god Apollo. Unbeknownst to them, this recovery unleashes a disaster… Mime Radio is an example of the ways that language and perception can be one and the same.
Each live chapter performance from the novel made use of props, models, costumes, music and sound effects. The exhibition of Mime Radio presents all the models employed as part of these performances such as a pair of non-functioning thought transmitters, an invitation to move into the house of the Amateurs Engineer’s League in the shape of the house itself or a model of Benjamin’s dream from chapter seven. Their accompanying series of notes draws a perceptual landscape of the story.
On October 8, from 8-10 pm, Benjamin Seror will perform a chapter from Mime Radio; starting with storytelling in 221A’s gallery, continuing across the street at Brixton Caffè for a musical ending and a drink.
Copies of Mime Radio may be purchased or borrowed (for collateral of equal value or interest) from 221A.
Public Programs
September 11, 7-9 pm
Opening Reception
as part of #SWARM16
October 8, 8-10 pm
Mime Radio Performance
beginning at 221A’s exhibition gallery and ending across the street at Brixton Caffè