Architecture by Artists

Architecture by Artists


June 6 – July 25, 2015

Architecture by Artists is an accumulative exhibition in three parts exploring the points of contact and confluences between people, objects and the spaces they occupy. As a composition of three process-oriented exhibition-residencies, interdisciplinary artist Hannah Heilmann (Denmark), filmmaker and installation artist Oliver Husain (Germany/Canada), and performance and dance duo Gerard & Kelly (USA) will create propositions which, through their intricate and diverse points of interaction, hypothesize a hybrid architecture representing the social and structural fabric of the urban environment in some of its pluralities.

The artists will work together to build a broad and ephemeral definition of Architecture. The exhibition will encompass architectures composed by the organization of people in space; architectures that co-compose with imperceptible territories; and architectures which are expressed through process and senses, such as smell, ephemera and movement. The word ‘Architecture’ becomes a prompt, an organizational principle, a system, or point of departure.

Heilmann will debut Estrous.Life, a work that addresses the ongoing apocalyptic body-landscape through a ‘Pop-Up Soap Shop’; Husain will develop Mondo Pale Grey, a new site-specific video and performance about the potential of ‘failure’ in sculptural objects and video; and Gerard & Kelly will use architectural drawings to develop a performative ‘score’ for living.

Architecture by Artists is curated by interdisciplinary artist Matthew-Robin Nye (Montréal) through the Curatorial Residency program at 221A.

Free Public Program

Friday, June 5

  • 7–8:30pm, Free public lecture by Jack Halberstam
  • 8:30pm, opening reception for Estrous.Life, Hannah Heilmann

Friday, June 12

  • 7:00pm, ‘some choices are so personal not even you should be making them for you’ lecture performance/product demonstration/closing event for Estrous.Life, Hannah Heilmann

Thursday, June 25

  • 7:00pm, reception for Oliver Husain and Gerard & Kelly
  • 8:00pm, Mondo Pale Grey, performance by Oliver Husain

Friday, June 26


Queer Times, Queer Spaces and Transgender Lives: Ten Years Later, Jack Halberstam

0:00 / 0:00

Project Support

BC Arts CouncilCanada Council for the ArtsCity of VancouverConcordia UniversitySimon Fraser University