- Rosa Aiello, 27 Seasons, 2017, 9 min
- Evgeny Granilshchikov, Courbet’s Funeral, 2014, 13:30 min
- Patrick Goddard, The Hellish Cycle Complete, 2016, 11 min
- Felix Kalmenson, House of Skin, 2016, 16 min
- Yuri Pattison, 1014, 2015, 10:14 min
- Julia Feyrer, Tamara Henderson, Consider the Belvedere, 2015, 9:25 min
- Laure Prouvost, Lick in the Past, 2016, 8:25 min
Jesse McKee, 221A’s Head of Strategy, host a series of events at Things that can happen over the spring which respond to Hong Kong’s role as one of Vancouver’s major sources of international capital. Corresponding to this city reveals a frank processing of the emotional weights that Hong Kong’s capital excerpts on places like Vancouver and beyond. Not expecting to find the face of this capital and address it, instead, the programme’s ambition is to support the individual and social ways that we are responding to the influences of capital’s effects. Mark Fisher writes in his final book, The Weird and the Eerie, 2017, that “capital is at every level an eerie entity: conjured out of nothing, [it] exerts more influence than any allegedly substantial entity”.
In May, Julian Hou will perform his audio work Nexus Line on the rooftop of Things that can happen.
With thanks to The Chu Collection and British Columbia Arts Council for the support of this residency and programming.
Governing the Effects of Retrograde
- Rosa Aiello,《27 Seasons》, 2017年,9分鐘
- Evgeny Granilshchikov,《Courbet’s Funeral》,2014年,13分30秒
- Patrick Goddard,《The Hellish Cycle Complete》,2016年,11分鐘
- Felix Kalmenson,《House of Skin》, 2016年,16分鐘
- Yuri Pattison,《1014》,2015年,10分14秒
- Julia Feyrer, Tamara Henderson,《Consider the Belvedere》2015年,9分25秒
- Laure Prouvost,《Lick to the Past》2016年,8分25秒
期間,Jesse McKee 將會主持一系列的活動,主要關於個人敍述中跟建築及人工建構的環境的的崩壞、重整及記憶。在這個無論在政治氛圍、經濟環境,還是持續推進的數碼生活均是混沌非常的狀態下,這次駐場計劃也回應了香港作為加拿大溫哥華一個主要國際金融資本來源的角色。
對應這個城市,可以看到一種對於香港的資本在其他地區如溫哥華施加的情緒重壓的坦誠理解和處埋。Mark Fisher 在他最後的著作《The Weird and the Eerie》(2017年)中寫道:「資本在每一個層面都是一個怪異的存在:它無中生有,卻比任何更實質的東西都具影響力。」是次駐場計劃並不期望找到這資本的真貌及解決這個問題,反而着重於發掘個人及社會層面的策略,以對抗資本帶來的影響。
5月中旬將邀來 Julian Hou (加拿大)於咩事天台演出其聲音作品《Nexus Line》。一封連結各個事件及藝術家的書信將會出版,作為總結。這系列書寫及節目將建立討論與研究,引導出有可能於221A與咩事之間實踐的架構。
我們感謝221A 團隊、The Chu Collection、以及British Columbia Arts Council 支持是次駐場計劃。