Trevor Boddy

Trevor Boddy is a critic, curator, historian of architecture/urbanism, and consulting urban designer. He curated the 2008 exhibitionVancouverism and related Trafalgar Square site-specific construction, named a marquee event for the 2008 London Festival of Architecture, and re-mounted in 2009 at Place d'Invalides, Paris. An expanded version was installed at Woodward’s for the 2010 Olympics. His career retrospective exhibition entitled Telling Details: The Architecture of Clifford Wiens toured nationally to five galleries nationally. For the City of Surrey he was co-organizer of TownShift: Suburb Into City, the largest ideas design competition ever mounted by a Canadian municipality, and conceived their new civic design awards. Trevor has written on architecture and cities for the Globe and Mail, Vancouver Sun, Edmonton Journal, Ottawa Citizen, Seattle Times, Architectural Review, Architectural Record,Bauwelt, A/V and l'Architecture d'aujourdhui, and has won theWestern Magazine and Alberta Book of the Year prizes. He holds a Master’s degree in architecture from the University of Calgary, has taught design studio, history, and urbanism on four continents, and lectures globally on contemporary design and city-building. RAIC awarded Trevor its 2010 Advocacy Award, and he is an honorary member of AIA and the Bulgarian Union of Architects.

Last updated: May 9, 2024