Sprillow is a design, development and consultation studio based in Victoria, British Columbia, focused on co-creating systems change initiatives. We are a small team lit up with a will to create, and bring impactful projects beautifully and functionally to life. Sprillow’s leads include Pegah Vaezi, who is a transdisciplinary designer and curator. Pegah completed her Master’s of Visual Studies in Curatorial Studies from the University of Toronto. She was awarded the best symposium of the year by NOW magazine in 2019, for her thesis project “What do we mean when we say content moderation: Digital Censorship, Surveillance and Creative Workers”, which explored ramifications of content moderation in the digital space, with a focus on its implications for creative workers. As well as, Connor Turland, who is a developer and facilitator who is obsessed with seeing the systems that our lives are woven into. Economic, environmental, political, and everything in between that connects them, are all fields of fascination. Connor has the urge to get hands-on and apply the precious time of his life to confront systemic challenges head-on. He has been devoted since a young age to the arts and crafts of digital technology, but is also aware that tech isn't a silver bullet. Connor has fun with everything from getting deep in the code, to working face-to-face facilitating at hackathons, workshops, classrooms, and client meetings.
Last updated: May 7, 2024