Matthias Einhoff

Matthias Einhoff is co-founder and director of the Center for Arts and Urbanistics, an interdisciplinary hub for urban research and artistic practice located in Berlin. Next to his managing and curatorial responsibilities, he is heading the development of research-based projects at the interface of urban discourses and local practices with outcomes such as CityToolBox—a learning platform for urban practitioners and Hacking Urban Furnitureurban infrastructure revisited. As a founding member of the artist collectives KUNSTrePUBLIK and Superschool, he has been working in the public sphere exploring the potentials of art to (re)activate the social and spatial relationships of individuals and groups. He was the co-initiator and board member of Modellprojekt Haus der Statistik, an inclusive 60,000sqm development project. Currently, he is teaching at UdK-Berlin, DigitalArtsLab-Tel Aviv, and is a visiting professor at Kunsthochschule Kassel.

Last updated: December 30, 2024