Kwiigay iiwaans


Kwiigay iiwaans is the Head of Programs at 221A.  Kwiigay initiates and guides programming at x̱aw̓s shew̓áy̓ New Growth《新生林》and across multiple sites that 221A manages. They collaboratively lead the organizations artistic vision, and, as part of the management team, are integral in shaping the future of 221A.

Kwiigay iiwaans is a queer disabled multidisciplinary artist from the Haida, Squamish, and Musqueam nations. They explore decolonial 2SQTIBIPOC futurisms through mediums of electronic music, illustration, formline design, beadwork, and animation. They are a committed language learner of Sḵwx̱wú7mesh sníchim and X̱aad kíl, the Squamish and Haida languages. They live and work in X̱epx̱ápay̓ay, Vancouver, BC.

Last updated: May 7, 2024