Franco Berardi

Franco Berardi, aka Bifo, is a writer, media theorist, and media activist. He founded the magazine A/traverso (1975–81) and was a staff member of Radio Alice, the first free pirate radio station in Italy (1976–78). Involved in the Autonomia political movement in Italy during the 1970s, he fled to Paris, where he worked with Félix Guattari in the field of schizoanalysis. Bifo published the books After the Future (AK Press, Oakland, 2011), The Soul at Work (MIT Press, Cambridge, 2010), Félix (Luca Sossella, Rome, 2001), Cibernauti (Castelvecchi, Rome, 1994) and Mutazione e Cyberpunk (Costa & Nolan, 1993). He has contributed to the magazines Semiotext(e), Chimères, Metropoli, and Musica 80, and is a collaborator of e-flux journal. He is Coordinator of the European School for Social Imagination (SCEPSI).

Last updated: December 13, 2024