Antonia Hirsch’s practice consistently engages with systems—economic, geographical, quantitative, syntactic—that underwrite the most basic understandings of the world. She questions the often invisible hierarchies of these epistemological structures by relating them to more familiar territory: embodied experience. Her work has been exhibited at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Power Plant in Toronto, the Contemporary Art Gallery in Vancouver, ZKM Museum of Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe, and Tramway, Glasgow, among others. Her work can be found in public collections such as that of the Vancouver Art Gallery, the Canada Council Art Bank, the National Gallery of Canada, and the Sackner Archive of Concrete & Visual Poetry, Miami Beach. Her artist projects and writing have been published in magazines and journals such as Fillip, The Happy Hypocrite, C-magazine, Westcoast Line, and artecontexto. She is the editor of the anthology Intangible Economies, published by Fillip in 2012.
Antonia Hirsch
Last updated: December 3, 2024