Notice of AGM & Soft Launch of Pollyanna Library

Notice of AGM & Soft Launch of Pollyanna Library

July 11, 2017

We invite you to attend the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 221A Artist Run Centre Society. The AGM will be held on Tuesday, July 25 at 8:00pm at 100-221 E Georgia St in Vancouver. Member registration and renewals will take place from 7:30–7:55pm.

The AGM provides members with an opportunity to gather and hear reports on the past year of activities. The AGM is also an opportunity for members to meet incoming and outgoing board members, take part in voting for the Board of Directors and for important business of the society such as the appointment of the auditor. Please be notified that the society will be considering a special borrowing resolution, viewable here.

The AGM will take place at 221 E Georgia Street, where members will be given an exclusive sneak preview of 221A’s most recent transformation into Pollyanna, to be officially launched in September.

All members are invited to attend! Following the meeting will be a casual reception with complimentary refreshments. To renew your membership, visit here, call us at 604 568 0812, or renew in person at the meeting.

We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.