221A certified as Living Wage Employer

June 26, 2018


221A is pleased to announce its re-certification with the Living Wages for Families. 221A is part of a list of BC-based employers who have set in place policies to pay employees at or above wages and standards set by the Living Wage for Families campaign.  The 2018 living wage rate for Metro Vancouver is $20.91/hour.

A living wage is different than a minimum wage. The minimum wage is the legislated minimum set by the provincial government. The minimum wage should be set at a rate high enough to lift an individual worker out of poverty. An adequate minimum wage is the government’s responsibility to address working poverty.

A living wage is an opportunity for employers to do better. A living wage calls on employers to meet a higher standard for their both staff and major contractors, to ensure that wages reflect the true costs of living in a community and that parents can earn what they need to support their families. More than 100 Living Wage Employers across BC agree and have certified with the Living Wage for Families Campaign.

The Living Wage for Families also advocates for policies that would positively impact families. We support the call for quality and affordable child care as well as for housing policies that would help low-wage families make ends meet."

For more information please visit the Living Wages for Families website.